In the glorious holy city of Tzfat where the very air stirs hearts and echoes with history, overlooking the breathtaking view of Meron’s mountains. It’s the perfect spot for the next project in the Estates Series. This deluxe estate is being built to the famed, unparalleled standards of Schneller’s Jerusalem Estates.
In a wondrous manner, an empty plot of land stands in the Old City of Tzfat, just opposite Miron and Kever Rashbi. Right there, on one of the last few remaining available spaces in the historical Old City, Tzfat Estates is being built.
Go about your day with Har Meron and the Galilee range surrounding you. From your couch or your balcony, at the gym or taking a swim. Donning your tallis or singing Lecha Dodi. You are in Tzfat and the mountains are with you.
A historic opportunity to acquire
a beautiful and luxurious home
in Tzfat’s Old City
A historic opportunity to acquire
a beautiful and luxurious home
in Tzfat’s Old City